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GUICommands.h File Reference

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#define N_SEND_COMMAND   "send_command"
#define N_CRC   "crc"
#define N_TRANSLATE_STRING   "translate_string"
#define N_GET_HMM   "get_hmm"
#define N_GET_VITERBI_PATH   "get_viterbi_path"
#define N_GET_NUM_SVMS   "get_num_svms"
#define N_GET_SVM   "get_svm"
#define N_GET_CLASSIFIER   "get_classifier"
#define N_GET_CLUSTERING   "get_clustering"
#define N_GET_SVM_OBJECTIVE   "get_svm_objective"
#define N_COMPUTE_SVM_PRIMAL_OBJECTIVE   "compute_svm_primal_objective"
#define N_COMPUTE_SVM_DUAL_OBJECTIVE   "compute_svm_dual_objective"
#define N_COMPUTE_MKL_PRIMAL_OBJECTIVE   "compute_mkl_primal_objective"
#define N_COMPUTE_MKL_DUAL_OBJECTIVE   "compute_mkl_dual_objective"
#define N_COMPUTE_RELATIVE_MKL_DUALITY_GAP   "compute_relative_mkl_duality_gap"
#define N_COMPUTE_ABSOLUTE_MKL_DUALITY_GAP   "compute_absolute_mkl_duality_gap"
#define N_GET_KERNEL_INIT   "get_kernel_init"
#define N_GET_KERNEL_MATRIX   "get_kernel_matrix"
#define N_GET_DISTANCE_MATRIX   "get_distance_matrix"
#define N_HMM_LIKELIHOOD   "hmm_likelihood"
#define N_GET_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATION   "get_kernel_optimization"
#define N_COMPUTE_BY_SUBKERNELS   "compute_by_subkernels"
#define N_SET_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS   "set_subkernel_weights"
#define N_SET_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS_COMBINED   "set_subkernel_weights_combined"
#define N_GET_DOTFEATURE_WEIGHTS_COMBINED   "get_dotfeature_weights_combined"
#define N_SET_DOTFEATURE_WEIGHTS_COMBINED   "set_dotfeature_weights_combined"
#define N_SET_LAST_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS   "set_last_subkernel_weights"
#define N_SET_WD_POS_WEIGHTS   "set_WD_position_weights"
#define N_GET_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS   "get_subkernel_weights"
#define N_GET_LAST_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS   "get_last_subkernel_weights"
#define N_GET_WD_POS_WEIGHTS   "get_WD_position_weights"
#define N_COMPUTE_POIM_WD   "compute_poim_wd"
#define N_GET_WD_SCORING   "get_WD_scoring"
#define N_GET_WD_CONSENSUS   "get_WD_consensus"
#define N_GET_SPEC_SCORING   "get_SPEC_scoring"
#define N_GET_SPEC_CONSENSUS   "get_SPEC_consensus"
#define N_GET_FEATURES   "get_features"
#define N_GET_LABELS   "get_labels"
#define N_GET_VERSION   "get_version"
#define N_GET_PREPROC_INIT   "get_preproc_init"
#define N_GET_HMM_DEFS   "get_hmm_defs"
#define N_SET_HMM   "set_hmm"
#define N_MODEL_PROB_NO_B_TRANS   "model_prob_no_b_trans"
#define N_BEST_PATH_NO_B_TRANS   "best_path_no_b_trans"
#define N_SIGNALS_SET_MODEL   "signals_set_model"
#define N_SIGNALS_SET_POSITIONS   "signals_set_positions"
#define N_SIGNALS_SET_LABELS   "signals_set_labels"
#define N_SIGNALS_SET_SPLIT   "signals_set_split"
#define N_SIGNALS_SET_TRAIN_MASK   "signals_set_train_mask"
#define N_SIGNALS_ADD_FEATURE   "signals_add_feature"
#define N_SIGNALS_ADD_KERNEL   "signals_add_kernel"
#define N_SIGNALS_RUN   "signals_run"
#define N_BEST_PATH_TRANS_DERIV   "best_path_trans_deriv"
#define N_BEST_PATH_TRANS   "best_path_trans"
#define N_SET_PLIF_STRUCT   "set_plif_struct"
#define N_GET_PLIF_STRUCT   "get_plif_struct"
#define N_PRECOMPUTE_SUBKERNELS   "precompute_subkernels"
#define N_PRECOMPUTE_CONTENT_SVMS   "precompute_content_svms"
#define N_GET_LIN_FEAT   "get_lin_feat"
#define N_INIT_INTRON_LIST   "init_intron_list"
#define N_SET_LIN_FEAT   "set_lin_feat"
#define N_INIT_DYN_PROG   "init_dyn_prog"
#define N_CLEAN_UP_DYN_PROG   "clean_up_dyn_prog"
#define N_PRECOMPUTE_TILING_FEATURES   "precompute_tiling_features"
#define N_LONG_TRANSITION_SETTINGS   "long_transition_settings"
#define N_SET_MODEL   "set_model"
#define N_SET_FEATURE_MATRIX   "set_feature_matrix"
#define N_SET_FEATURE_MATRIX_SPARSE   "set_feature_matrix_sparse"
#define N_BEST_PATH_2STRUCT   "best_path_2struct"
#define N_BEST_PATH_TRANS_SIMPLE   "best_path_trans_simple"
#define N_BEST_PATH_NO_B   "best_path_no_b"
#define N_SET_SVM   "set_svm"
#define N_SET_LINEAR_CLASSIFIER   "set_linear_classifier"
#define N_SET_CUSTOM_KERNEL   "set_custom_kernel"
#define N_SET_KERNEL_INIT   "set_kernel_init"
#define N_SET_KERNEL_NORMALIZATION   "set_kernel_normalization"
#define N_SET_FEATURES   "set_features"
#define N_ADD_FEATURES   "add_features"
#define N_ADD_MULTIPLE_FEATURES   "add_multiple_features"
#define N_ADD_DOTFEATURES   "add_dotfeatures"
#define N_DEL_LAST_FEATURES   "del_last_features"
#define N_SET_LABELS   "set_labels"
#define N_SET_PREPROC_INIT   "set_preproc_init"
#define N_SET_HMM_DEFS   "set_hmm_defs"
#define N_ONE_CLASS_HMM_CLASSIFY   "one_class_hmm_classify"
#define N_ONE_CLASS_LINEAR_HMM_CLASSIFY   "one_class_linear_hmm_classify"
#define N_HMM_CLASSIFY   "hmm_classify"
#define N_ONE_CLASS_HMM_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "one_class_hmm_classify_example"
#define N_HMM_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "hmm_classify_example"
#define N_CLASSIFY   "classify"
#define N_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "classify_example"
#define N_SVM_CLASSIFY   "svm_classify"
#define N_SVM_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "svm_classify_example"
#define N_GET_PLUGIN_ESTIMATE   "get_plugin_estimate"
#define N_SET_PLUGIN_ESTIMATE   "set_plugin_estimate"
#define N_PLUGIN_ESTIMATE_CLASSIFY   "plugin_estimate_classify"
#define N_PLUGIN_ESTIMATE_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "plugin_estimate_classify_example"
#define N_NEW_HMM   "new_hmm"
#define N_NEW_SVM   "new_svm"
#define N_NEW_CLASSIFIER   "new_classifier"
#define N_NEW_PLUGIN_ESTIMATOR   "new_plugin_estimator"
#define N_NEW_REGRESSION   "new_regression"
#define N_NEW_CLUSTERING   "new_clustering"
#define N_TRAIN_ESTIMATOR   "train_estimator"
#define N_TRAIN_CLASSIFIER   "train_classifier"
#define N_TRAIN_REGRESSION   "train_regression"
#define N_TRAIN_CLUSTERING   "train_clustering"
#define N_SET_PERCEPTRON_PARAMETERS   "set_perceptron_parameters"
#define N_TEST_ESTIMATOR   "test_estimator"
#define N_LOAD_PREPROC   "load_preproc"
#define N_SAVE_PREPROC   "save_preproc"
#define N_LOAD_HMM   "load_hmm"
#define N_SAVE_HMM   "save_hmm"
#define N_LOAD_CLASSIFIER   "load_classifier"
#define N_SAVE_CLASSIFIER   "save_classifier"
#define N_LOAD_LABELS   "load_labels"
#define N_LOAD_FEATURES   "load_features"
#define N_SAVE_FEATURES   "save_features"
#define N_CLEAN_FEATURES   "clean_features"
#define N_RESHAPE   "reshape"
#define N_LOAD_DEFINITIONS   "load_defs"
#define N_SAVE_KERNEL   "save_kernel"
#define N_SET_HMM_AS   "set_hmm_as"
#define N_NORMALIZE   "normalize_hmm"
#define N_RELATIVE_ENTROPY   "relative_entropy"
#define N_ENTROPY   "entropy"
#define N_PERMUTATION_ENTROPY   "permutation_entropy"
#define N_SET_KERNEL   "set_kernel"
#define N_SET_DISTANCE   "set_distance"
#define N_ADD_KERNEL   "add_kernel"
#define N_DEL_LAST_KERNEL   "del_last_kernel"
#define N_CLEAN_KERNEL   "clean_kernel"
#define N_RESIZE_KERNEL_CACHE   "resize_kernel_cache"
#define N_SET_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATION_TYPE   "set_kernel_optimization_type"
#define N_SET_PRIOR_PROBS   "set_prior_probs"
#define N_SET_PRIOR_PROBS_FROM_LABELS   "set_prior_probs_from_labels"
#define N_ATTACH_PREPROC   "attach_preproc"
#define N_ADD_PREPROC   "add_preproc"
#define N_DEL_PREPROC   "del_preproc"
#define N_CLEAN_PREPROC   "clean_preproc"
#define N_INIT_KERNEL   "init_kernel"
#define N_INIT_DISTANCE   "init_distance"
#define N_DELETE_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATION   "delete_kernel_optimization"
#define N_INIT_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATION   "init_kernel_optimization"
#define N_SAVE_PATH   "save_hmm_path"
#define N_SAVE_LIKELIHOOD   "save_hmm_likelihood"
#define N_BEST_PATH   "best_path"
#define N_VITERBI_TRAIN   "vit"
#define N_VITERBI_TRAIN_DEFINED   "vit_def"
#define N_LINEAR_TRAIN   "linear_train"
#define N_CLEAR   "clear"
#define N_CHOP   "chop"
#define N_CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA   "convergence_criteria"
#define N_PSEUDO   "pseudo"
#define N_CONVERT   "convert"
#define N_C   "c"
#define N_LOGLEVEL   "loglevel"
#define N_PROGRESS   "progress"
#define N_PRINT   "print"
#define N_ECHO   "echo"
#define N_SVMQPSIZE   "svm_qpsize"
#define N_SVMBUFSIZE   "svm_bufsize"
#define N_SVMMAXQPSIZE   "svm_max_qpsize"
#define N_THREADS   "threads"
#define N_MKL_PARAMETERS   "mkl_parameters"
#define N_ENT_LAMBDA   "elasticnet_lambda"
#define N_MKL_BLOCK_NORM   "mkl_block_norm"
#define N_SVM_EPSILON   "svm_epsilon"
#define N_SVM_MAX_TRAIN_TIME   "svm_max_train_time"
#define N_SVR_TUBE_EPSILON   "svr_tube_epsilon"
#define N_SVM_NU   "svm_nu"
#define N_SVM_USE_BIAS   "svm_use_bias"
#define N_MKL_USE_INTERLEAVED_OPTIMIZATION   "mkl_use_interleaved_optimization"
#define N_DO_AUC_MAXIMIZATION   "do_auc_maximization"
#define N_ADD_STATES   "add_states"
#define N_APPEND_HMM   "append_hmm"
#define N_APPEND_MODEL   "append_model"
#define N_BAUM_WELCH_TRAIN   "bw"
#define N_BAUM_WELCH_TRANS_TRAIN   "bw_trans"
#define N_BAUM_WELCH_TRAIN_DEFINED   "bw_def"
#define N_LIKELIHOOD   "likelihood"
#define N_USE_BATCH_COMPUTATION   "use_batch_computation"
#define N_USE_DIAGONAL_SPEEDUP   "use_diagonal_speedup"
#define N_USE_MKL   "use_mkl"
#define N_USE_SHRINKING   "use_shrinking"
#define N_USE_LINADD   "use_linadd"
#define N_OUTPUT_HMM   "output_hmm"
#define N_OUTPUT_HMM_DEFINED   "output_hmm_defined"
#define N_QUIT   "quit"
#define N_EXEC   "exec"
#define N_EXIT   "exit"
#define N_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHT   "syntax_highlight"
#define N_HELP   "help"
#define N_WHOS   "whos"
#define N_SYSTEM   "!"
#define N_SET_SOLVER   "set_solver"
#define N_SET_CONSTRAINT_GENERATOR   "set_constraint_generator"
#define N_SET_THRESHOLD   "set_threshold"
#define N_INIT_RANDOM   "init_random"
#define N_SVM_TRAIN   "svm_train"
#define N_SVM_TEST   "svm_test"
#define N_ONE_CLASS_HMM_TEST   "one_class_hmm_test"
#define N_HMM_TEST   "hmm_test"
#define N_SET_OUTPUT   "set_output"
#define N_SET_REF_FEAT   "set_ref_features"
#define N_TIC   "tic"
#define N_TOC   "toc"
#define N_KRR_TAU   "krr_tau"
#define N_RUN_PYTHON   "run_python"
#define N_RUN_OCTAVE   "run_octave"
#define N_RUN_R   "run_r"
#define N_PR_LOQO   "pr_loqo"
#define N_SET_CONVERTER   "set_converter"
#define N_APPLY_CONVERTER   "apply_converter"
#define N_EMBED   "embed"

Macro Definition Documentation

#define N_ADD_DOTFEATURES   "add_dotfeatures"

Definition at line 97 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ADD_FEATURES   "add_features"

Definition at line 95 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ADD_KERNEL   "add_kernel"

Definition at line 149 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ADD_MULTIPLE_FEATURES   "add_multiple_features"

Definition at line 96 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ADD_PREPROC   "add_preproc"

Definition at line 161 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ADD_STATES   "add_states"

Definition at line 198 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_APPEND_HMM   "append_hmm"

Definition at line 199 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_APPEND_MODEL   "append_model"

Definition at line 200 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_APPLY_CONVERTER   "apply_converter"

Definition at line 237 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ATTACH_PREPROC   "attach_preproc"

Definition at line 160 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BAUM_WELCH_TRAIN   "bw"

Definition at line 201 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BAUM_WELCH_TRAIN_DEFINED   "bw_def"

Definition at line 203 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BAUM_WELCH_TRANS_TRAIN   "bw_trans"

Definition at line 202 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BEST_PATH   "best_path"

Definition at line 170 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BEST_PATH_2STRUCT   "best_path_2struct"

Definition at line 86 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BEST_PATH_NO_B   "best_path_no_b"

Definition at line 88 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BEST_PATH_NO_B_TRANS   "best_path_no_b_trans"

Definition at line 61 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BEST_PATH_TRANS   "best_path_trans"

Definition at line 71 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BEST_PATH_TRANS_DERIV   "best_path_trans_deriv"

Definition at line 70 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_BEST_PATH_TRANS_SIMPLE   "best_path_trans_simple"

Definition at line 87 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_C   "c"

Definition at line 179 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CHOP   "chop"

Definition at line 175 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CLASSIFY   "classify"

Definition at line 107 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "classify_example"

Definition at line 108 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CLEAN_FEATURES   "clean_features"

Definition at line 138 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CLEAN_KERNEL   "clean_kernel"

Definition at line 151 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CLEAN_PREPROC   "clean_preproc"

Definition at line 163 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CLEAN_UP_DYN_PROG   "clean_up_dyn_prog"

Definition at line 80 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CLEAR   "clear"

Definition at line 174 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_COMPUTE_ABSOLUTE_MKL_DUALITY_GAP   "compute_absolute_mkl_duality_gap"

Definition at line 33 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_COMPUTE_BY_SUBKERNELS   "compute_by_subkernels"

Definition at line 39 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_COMPUTE_MKL_DUAL_OBJECTIVE   "compute_mkl_dual_objective"

Definition at line 31 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_COMPUTE_MKL_PRIMAL_OBJECTIVE   "compute_mkl_primal_objective"

Definition at line 30 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_COMPUTE_POIM_WD   "compute_poim_wd"

Definition at line 49 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_COMPUTE_RELATIVE_MKL_DUALITY_GAP   "compute_relative_mkl_duality_gap"

Definition at line 32 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_COMPUTE_SVM_DUAL_OBJECTIVE   "compute_svm_dual_objective"

Definition at line 29 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_COMPUTE_SVM_PRIMAL_OBJECTIVE   "compute_svm_primal_objective"

Definition at line 28 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA   "convergence_criteria"

Definition at line 176 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CONVERT   "convert"

Definition at line 178 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_CRC   "crc"

Definition at line 19 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_DEL_LAST_FEATURES   "del_last_features"

Definition at line 98 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_DEL_LAST_KERNEL   "del_last_kernel"

Definition at line 150 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_DEL_PREPROC   "del_preproc"

Definition at line 162 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_DELETE_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATION   "delete_kernel_optimization"

Definition at line 166 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_DO_AUC_MAXIMIZATION   "do_auc_maximization"

Definition at line 197 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ECHO   "echo"

Definition at line 183 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_EMBED   "embed"

Definition at line 238 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ENT_LAMBDA   "elasticnet_lambda"

Definition at line 189 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ENTROPY   "entropy"

Definition at line 145 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_EXEC   "exec"

Definition at line 213 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_EXIT   "exit"

Definition at line 214 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_CLASSIFIER   "get_classifier"

Definition at line 25 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_CLUSTERING   "get_clustering"

Definition at line 26 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_DISTANCE_MATRIX   "get_distance_matrix"

Definition at line 36 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_DOTFEATURE_WEIGHTS_COMBINED   "get_dotfeature_weights_combined"

Definition at line 42 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_FEATURES   "get_features"

Definition at line 54 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_HMM   "get_hmm"

Definition at line 21 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_HMM_DEFS   "get_hmm_defs"

Definition at line 58 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_KERNEL_INIT   "get_kernel_init"

Definition at line 34 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_KERNEL_MATRIX   "get_kernel_matrix"

Definition at line 35 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATION   "get_kernel_optimization"

Definition at line 38 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_LABELS   "get_labels"

Definition at line 55 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_LAST_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS   "get_last_subkernel_weights"

Definition at line 47 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_LIN_FEAT   "get_lin_feat"

Definition at line 76 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_NUM_SVMS   "get_num_svms"

Definition at line 23 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_PLIF_STRUCT   "get_plif_struct"

Definition at line 73 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_PLUGIN_ESTIMATE   "get_plugin_estimate"

Definition at line 111 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_PREPROC_INIT   "get_preproc_init"

Definition at line 57 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_SPEC_CONSENSUS   "get_SPEC_consensus"

Definition at line 53 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_SPEC_SCORING   "get_SPEC_scoring"

Definition at line 52 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS   "get_subkernel_weights"

Definition at line 46 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_SVM   "get_svm"

Definition at line 24 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_SVM_OBJECTIVE   "get_svm_objective"

Definition at line 27 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_VERSION   "get_version"

Definition at line 56 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_VITERBI_PATH   "get_viterbi_path"

Definition at line 22 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_WD_CONSENSUS   "get_WD_consensus"

Definition at line 51 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_WD_POS_WEIGHTS   "get_WD_position_weights"

Definition at line 48 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_GET_WD_SCORING   "get_WD_scoring"

Definition at line 50 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_HELP   "help"

Definition at line 216 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_HMM_CLASSIFY   "hmm_classify"

Definition at line 104 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_HMM_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "hmm_classify_example"

Definition at line 106 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_HMM_LIKELIHOOD   "hmm_likelihood"

Definition at line 37 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_HMM_TEST   "hmm_test"

Definition at line 226 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_INIT_DISTANCE   "init_distance"

Definition at line 165 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_INIT_DYN_PROG   "init_dyn_prog"

Definition at line 79 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_INIT_INTRON_LIST   "init_intron_list"

Definition at line 77 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_INIT_KERNEL   "init_kernel"

Definition at line 164 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_INIT_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATION   "init_kernel_optimization"

Definition at line 167 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_INIT_RANDOM   "init_random"

Definition at line 222 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_KRR_TAU   "krr_tau"

Definition at line 231 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LIKELIHOOD   "likelihood"

Definition at line 204 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LINEAR_TRAIN   "linear_train"

Definition at line 173 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LOAD_CLASSIFIER   "load_classifier"

Definition at line 133 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LOAD_DEFINITIONS   "load_defs"

Definition at line 140 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LOAD_FEATURES   "load_features"

Definition at line 136 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LOAD_HMM   "load_hmm"

Definition at line 131 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LOAD_LABELS   "load_labels"

Definition at line 135 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LOAD_PREPROC   "load_preproc"

Definition at line 129 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LOGLEVEL   "loglevel"

Definition at line 180 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_LONG_TRANSITION_SETTINGS   "long_transition_settings"

Definition at line 82 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_MKL_BLOCK_NORM   "mkl_block_norm"

Definition at line 190 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_MKL_PARAMETERS   "mkl_parameters"

Definition at line 188 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_MKL_USE_INTERLEAVED_OPTIMIZATION   "mkl_use_interleaved_optimization"

Definition at line 196 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_MODEL_PROB_NO_B_TRANS   "model_prob_no_b_trans"

Definition at line 60 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_NEW_CLASSIFIER   "new_classifier"

Definition at line 119 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_NEW_CLUSTERING   "new_clustering"

Definition at line 122 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_NEW_HMM   "new_hmm"

Definition at line 117 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_NEW_PLUGIN_ESTIMATOR   "new_plugin_estimator"

Definition at line 120 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_NEW_REGRESSION   "new_regression"

Definition at line 121 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_NEW_SVM   "new_svm"

Definition at line 118 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_NORMALIZE   "normalize_hmm"

Definition at line 143 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ONE_CLASS_HMM_CLASSIFY   "one_class_hmm_classify"

Definition at line 102 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ONE_CLASS_HMM_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "one_class_hmm_classify_example"

Definition at line 105 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ONE_CLASS_HMM_TEST   "one_class_hmm_test"

Definition at line 225 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_ONE_CLASS_LINEAR_HMM_CLASSIFY   "one_class_linear_hmm_classify"

Definition at line 103 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_OUTPUT_HMM   "output_hmm"

Definition at line 210 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_OUTPUT_HMM_DEFINED   "output_hmm_defined"

Definition at line 211 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PERMUTATION_ENTROPY   "permutation_entropy"

Definition at line 146 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PLUGIN_ESTIMATE_CLASSIFY   "plugin_estimate_classify"

Definition at line 113 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PLUGIN_ESTIMATE_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "plugin_estimate_classify_example"

Definition at line 114 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PR_LOQO   "pr_loqo"

Definition at line 235 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PRECOMPUTE_CONTENT_SVMS   "precompute_content_svms"

Definition at line 75 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PRECOMPUTE_SUBKERNELS   "precompute_subkernels"

Definition at line 74 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PRECOMPUTE_TILING_FEATURES   "precompute_tiling_features"

Definition at line 81 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PRINT   "print"

Definition at line 182 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PROGRESS   "progress"

Definition at line 181 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_PSEUDO   "pseudo"

Definition at line 177 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_QUIT   "quit"

Definition at line 212 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_RELATIVE_ENTROPY   "relative_entropy"

Definition at line 144 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_RESHAPE   "reshape"

Definition at line 139 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_RESIZE_KERNEL_CACHE   "resize_kernel_cache"

Definition at line 154 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_RUN_OCTAVE   "run_octave"

Definition at line 233 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_RUN_PYTHON   "run_python"

Definition at line 232 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_RUN_R   "run_r"

Definition at line 234 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SAVE_CLASSIFIER   "save_classifier"

Definition at line 134 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SAVE_FEATURES   "save_features"

Definition at line 137 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SAVE_HMM   "save_hmm"

Definition at line 132 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SAVE_KERNEL   "save_kernel"

Definition at line 141 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SAVE_LIKELIHOOD   "save_hmm_likelihood"

Definition at line 169 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SAVE_PATH   "save_hmm_path"

Definition at line 168 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SAVE_PREPROC   "save_preproc"

Definition at line 130 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SEND_COMMAND   "send_command"

Definition at line 18 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_CONSTRAINT_GENERATOR   "set_constraint_generator"

Definition at line 220 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_CONVERTER   "set_converter"

Definition at line 236 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_CUSTOM_KERNEL   "set_custom_kernel"

Definition at line 91 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_DISTANCE   "set_distance"

Definition at line 148 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_DOTFEATURE_WEIGHTS_COMBINED   "set_dotfeature_weights_combined"

Definition at line 43 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_FEATURE_MATRIX   "set_feature_matrix"

Definition at line 84 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_FEATURE_MATRIX_SPARSE   "set_feature_matrix_sparse"

Definition at line 85 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_FEATURES   "set_features"

Definition at line 94 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_HMM   "set_hmm"

Definition at line 59 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_HMM_AS   "set_hmm_as"

Definition at line 142 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_HMM_DEFS   "set_hmm_defs"

Definition at line 101 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_KERNEL   "set_kernel"

Definition at line 147 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_KERNEL_INIT   "set_kernel_init"

Definition at line 92 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_KERNEL_NORMALIZATION   "set_kernel_normalization"

Definition at line 93 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATION_TYPE   "set_kernel_optimization_type"

Definition at line 157 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_LABELS   "set_labels"

Definition at line 99 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_LAST_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS   "set_last_subkernel_weights"

Definition at line 44 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_LIN_FEAT   "set_lin_feat"

Definition at line 78 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_LINEAR_CLASSIFIER   "set_linear_classifier"

Definition at line 90 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_MODEL   "set_model"

Definition at line 83 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_OUTPUT   "set_output"

Definition at line 227 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_PERCEPTRON_PARAMETERS   "set_perceptron_parameters"

Definition at line 127 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_PLIF_STRUCT   "set_plif_struct"

Definition at line 72 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_PLUGIN_ESTIMATE   "set_plugin_estimate"

Definition at line 112 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_PREPROC_INIT   "set_preproc_init"

Definition at line 100 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_PRIOR_PROBS   "set_prior_probs"

Definition at line 158 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_PRIOR_PROBS_FROM_LABELS   "set_prior_probs_from_labels"

Definition at line 159 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_REF_FEAT   "set_ref_features"

Definition at line 228 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_SOLVER   "set_solver"

Definition at line 219 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS   "set_subkernel_weights"

Definition at line 40 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_SUBKERNEL_WEIGHTS_COMBINED   "set_subkernel_weights_combined"

Definition at line 41 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_SVM   "set_svm"

Definition at line 89 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_THRESHOLD   "set_threshold"

Definition at line 221 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SET_WD_POS_WEIGHTS   "set_WD_position_weights"

Definition at line 45 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SIGNALS_ADD_FEATURE   "signals_add_feature"

Definition at line 67 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SIGNALS_ADD_KERNEL   "signals_add_kernel"

Definition at line 68 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SIGNALS_RUN   "signals_run"

Definition at line 69 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SIGNALS_SET_LABELS   "signals_set_labels"

Definition at line 64 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SIGNALS_SET_MODEL   "signals_set_model"

Definition at line 62 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SIGNALS_SET_POSITIONS   "signals_set_positions"

Definition at line 63 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SIGNALS_SET_SPLIT   "signals_set_split"

Definition at line 65 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SIGNALS_SET_TRAIN_MASK   "signals_set_train_mask"

Definition at line 66 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVM_CLASSIFY   "svm_classify"

Definition at line 109 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVM_CLASSIFY_EXAMPLE   "svm_classify_example"

Definition at line 110 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVM_EPSILON   "svm_epsilon"

Definition at line 191 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVM_MAX_TRAIN_TIME   "svm_max_train_time"

Definition at line 192 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVM_NU   "svm_nu"

Definition at line 194 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVM_TEST   "svm_test"

Definition at line 224 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVM_TRAIN   "svm_train"

Definition at line 223 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVM_USE_BIAS   "svm_use_bias"

Definition at line 195 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVMBUFSIZE   "svm_bufsize"

Definition at line 185 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVMMAXQPSIZE   "svm_max_qpsize"

Definition at line 186 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVMQPSIZE   "svm_qpsize"

Definition at line 184 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SVR_TUBE_EPSILON   "svr_tube_epsilon"

Definition at line 193 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHT   "syntax_highlight"

Definition at line 215 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_SYSTEM   "!"

Definition at line 218 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_TEST_ESTIMATOR   "test_estimator"

Definition at line 128 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_THREADS   "threads"

Definition at line 187 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_TIC   "tic"

Definition at line 229 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_TOC   "toc"

Definition at line 230 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_TRAIN_CLASSIFIER   "train_classifier"

Definition at line 124 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_TRAIN_CLUSTERING   "train_clustering"

Definition at line 126 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_TRAIN_ESTIMATOR   "train_estimator"

Definition at line 123 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_TRAIN_REGRESSION   "train_regression"

Definition at line 125 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_TRANSLATE_STRING   "translate_string"

Definition at line 20 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_USE_BATCH_COMPUTATION   "use_batch_computation"

Definition at line 205 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_USE_DIAGONAL_SPEEDUP   "use_diagonal_speedup"

Definition at line 206 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_USE_LINADD   "use_linadd"

Definition at line 209 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_USE_MKL   "use_mkl"

Definition at line 207 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_USE_SHRINKING   "use_shrinking"

Definition at line 208 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_VITERBI_TRAIN   "vit"

Definition at line 171 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_VITERBI_TRAIN_DEFINED   "vit_def"

Definition at line 172 of file GUICommands.h.

#define N_WHOS   "whos"

Definition at line 217 of file GUICommands.h.

SHOGUN Machine Learning Toolbox - Documentation